Nenad Stojković
Elementary school “Jovan Jovanovic Zmaj” – Svilajnac (Serbia)
Prof. Dr. Emina Kopas-Vukašinović
University of Kragujevac – Jagodina (Serbia)
Abstract. This paper emphasizes the effects of teaching literature in the younger grades of primary school in the context of the development of socially desirable behavior of students. The aim of this research was to determine how much literature content for children, which is the part of the curriculum for pupils attending classes from the first to the fourth grade of the elementary school, with the application of adequate teaching methods and affirmation of socially desirable values, contribute to the development and nurturing of socially desirable behaviour of students. The research can be marked as ex post facto, with the application of a descriptive method and a survey procedure. The findings of the research show that the texts of children’s literature, with adequate methodical procedure during their interpretation, contribute to the development of socially desirable characteristics and values of students.
Keywords: socially desirable behavior of students; social values of students; teaching literature; methodical behavior of teachers