Dynamics of a New Class of Oscillators: Melnikov’s Approach, Possible Application to Antenna Array Theory
Nikolay Kyurkchiev1,2), Tsvetelin Zaevski2,3)
Anton Iliev1,2), Vesselin Kyurkchiev1), Asen Rahnev1)
University of Plovdiv „Paisii Hilendarski“ (Bulgaria)
2)Institute of Mathematics and Informatics,
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (Bulgaria)
3)Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics,
Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” (Bulgaria)
Abstract. In this paper, we propose a new class of extended oscillators. Some investigations based on the Melnikov’s approach are applied for identifying some chaotic possibilities…
On the Time Complexity of an Algorithm
Krassimir Manev
Journal Mathematics and Informatics – Sofia (Bulgaria)
Abstract. The difficulty of estimation the time complexity of an algorithm in the worst case is not always the same as the mathematical complexity of the solved task. In this paper we demonstrate a mathematically clear task proposed in a programming contest for Grade 6 students…
An Iterative Algorithm for Determining the Greatest Common Divisor of Two or More Univariate Polynomials
Verica Milutinovic’
Faculty of Education, University of Kragujevac – Jagodina (Serbia)
Abstract. The GCD problem in polynomial rings has long intrigued mathematicians for its diverse applications, leading to methods like the Euclidean algorithm, Routh array, and matrix-based approaches…
Artifical Intelligence Tools into Higher Mathematics Education: Opportunities, Challenges and Student Perceptions
Evgeniya Nikolova
Institute of Mathematics and Informatics – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Burgas Free University (Bulgaria)
Abstract. The article examines the use of artificial intelligence (AI) tools in higher mathematics education, focusing on the opinions and experiences of Bulgarian students. The research aims to explore how they impact on personalized learning, student engagement, skill development, and ethical challenges…
Нагласи на бъдещите учители за прилагане на изкуствен интелект в обучението
Наталия Павлова
Шуменски университет „Епископ Константин Преславски“ (България)
Резюме. В статията са представени данни от анкетно проучване на нагласите за работа с интелигентни програми, базирани на големи езикови модели (LLM), сред 218 студенти и специализанти – бъдещи учители, подготвяни в Шуменския университет…
Компютърни модели на една олимпийска математическа задача
Тони Чехларова, Младен Вълков
Институт по математика и информатика
Българска академия на науките (България)
Резюме. Представени са динамични компютърни модели на една геометрична задача от XXIII балканска олимпиада по математика през 2006 г…
GeoGebra Impact in Avoiding Common Mistakes Students Make in Handling Exponential Functions
Shpresa Tuda, Shpetim Rexhepi
Mother Teresa University – Skopje (North Macedonia)
Abstract. Exponential functions, symbolized by f(x) = ax, represent fundamental mathematical concepts with extensive applications in real-world scenarios, ranging from population growth to compound interest and radioactive decay (Tuda & Rexhepi 2023)…