Nikola Račić, Branko Lalić, Ivan Komar,
Frane Vidović, Ladislav Stazić
University of Split (Croatia)
Abstract. One of the main methods for estimating air pollutant emissions from ships is the method developed by Carlo Trozzi, which was later accepted and recommended by the European Environment Agency in its air pollutant emission inventory guidebooks. Consequently, it has become the most commonly used methods for making inventories of air emissions in the shipping industry and for predicting future trends. The method and its equations use emission factors to calculate the emission of air pollutants from ships. Emission factors are calculated depending on fuel consumption or main engine power; results are given for different year of manufacture and engine speed. This paper presents the measurement of air pollutant emissions and some other parameters on marine engines operating in different conditions. The measured values are calculated to obtain values which will enable the next step, the comparison with the emission factors in the latest guide of the European Environment Agency on the inventory of pollutant emissions.
Keywords: air pollutants estimating; emission; shipping