Д-р Веселин Горанчев
Център за стопанско-исторически изследвания
Abstract. The current publication aims to present information about one of the hitherto unexplored in-depth topics in the business relations between trading company “Hadji Mincho h. Tsachev and Druzhie” and the Tapchilestovi brothers, namely for the connections between them in the trade in buffalo hides.
The research is based on unpublished archival documents stored in fund 307 “Hadji Mincho Hadjitsachev” in the Bulgarian Historical Archive of the National Library “St. St. Cyril and Methodius” – Sofia. The mentioned primary sources are mainly transcripts of letters, the bulk of which are written in Greek language.
The present research leads to the following conclusions: the Tarnovo trading company “Hadji Mincho h. Tsachev and company” began to send buffalo hides to the Tapchilestov brothers (or at least to one of them) no later than 1848. The possible routes that were used to transport the hides in that year were through Varna (with the mediation of Y .Papaluka) and through Rodosto. In 1852 and the beginning of 1853 (and probably also in 1851), after the breakup of the Tapchilesov brothers (Hristo and Nikola), the company from Turnovo cooperated with Hristo Tapchilestov in its trade in buffalo hides. The dispatch of goods of this kind in 1852 and possibly in 1853, was carried out with the mediation of the Varna entrepreneurs of Tarnovo descent – the Georgievich brothers.
Keywords: Bulgarian National Revival period, merchant entrepreneurs, trading company “Hadji Mincho h. Tsachev and Druzhie”, Tapchilestovi brothers, buffalo hides