Dr. Teodora G. Ilieva, Assist. Prof.
Faculty of Education
Trakia University -Stara Zagora
Absract. Iliya Volen is among the Bulgarian wordsmiths with a moderately conservative and philosophically rational approach to the native language and its lexical toolkit. He places the “wordˮ at the centre of the idyllic-pastoral, socially reactive and realistic-fatalistic works of art he creates. Therefore, the study of lexical layering as constructs for building full-blooded images and forms is key to reading the writer's idiolect. The article focuses on the lexicon at the genealogical
macrolevel and micro level. The following are marked: dialectisms, foreign words and colloquial vocabulary; hapaxes, semantic transponents and author's neologisms
are analyzed. The results of the research are: placing the literary- colloquial Bulgarian language as a foundation, in which archaisms, verbs, adjectives and substantives from the Western Bulgarian area are balanced and assimilated; they are intertwined with rare words and occasionalisms; semantic modification of
existing concepts; abstracting from foreign words. The word-formation models that Iliya Volen prefers for neolexis are: monoroot words and rarely composites (poly)prefiguration, suffixation, deverbatives – original participles, occasional methods – metaphorization, substitution, etc.
Keywords: Iliya Volen; lexical layer; dialecticism; archaic lexemes; hapax; derivational models