Tatyana Braga, PhD
Department of History of Bulgarian Language
Institute for Bulgarian Language -Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Absract. The new world trends and the communicative approach in education
contributed significantly to the popularization of the case-method in education.
The article examines the possibilities and justifies the importance of the use of the
case-study methodology in teaching of the Bulgarian language. The purpose of the
article is to describe the essence of this approach as one of the means of integrating
linguistic skills for learning foreign languages, and also to explore and expand the possibilities of using the case-study method in teaching of the Bulgarian language. It is concluded that the interactive case-study method meets the needs of the modern socio-cultural and educational context - language training with a clearly defined communicative orientation increases educational motivation and solves a number
of important problems for the development of both linguistic and professional
Keywords: case-study methodology; Bulgarian language training; ommunicative practicum; interactive teaching method