Simona Nanova, PhD Student
University of National and World Economy
Absract. This study is an empirical part of a dissertation on the topic "The Streaming Model of Distribution in the Performing Arts", provoked by the increasing digitization of performing arts work and their presentation through streaming and live-streaming online. It analyzes this new distribution tool through
the prism of the managers of selected theatre organizations in Bulgaria. Like any
new and unexplored phenomenon, steaming raises concerns. It has been accused of
contradicting live art and could destroy it. At the same time, streaming provides a
real opportunity to reach larger number of audiences and extend the life of highly
artistic performances that can no longer be performed on stage. For the purpose of
this research, which is one of the first in Bulgaria, the author created an open-ended
expert questionnaire aimed at managers of state, municipal and private theatre
organizations. Their answers and opinions were analysed and conclusions were
drawn as to whether this new distribution channel in the performing arts is cost-effective, feasible and artistically safe. An answer is sought to the question whether
this new business model is a necessity or whether it is more appropriate to define it
as an additional service, an extra.
The research is relevant and necessary. It is part of a larger analysis that compares the opinions of theatre managers on SI streaming with audience attitudes. Exploring both sides of the same process gives a more holistic picture of how closely the views of audiences match or are similar to the views of those who create and sell theatre productions.
Keywords: streaming; live streaming; performing arts; managers; empirical sociological study