Dr. Hristo Saldzhiev, Assoc. Prof.
Trakia University – Stara Zagora
Absract. The present article regards the influence exerted by the Hermetic philosophy on the original works of one of the last representatives of Tarnovo literary school – Konstantin Kostenechki. They are found not only in the explicit mention of Hermest Trismegist in “The Biography of Stefan Larzarević” among philosophes to whom God has partly revealed “the truth” but also in one long and sophisticated syllogism where God Father is presented as “Mind” and “The Sources of the First Mind”. Some specific terms, the description of the Serbian anchorites and one unusual transformation of the Gospel text (Mathew 6:6) also must be ascribed to Hermetic influence. All of these hermetic elements most probably have been
loaned from Greek sources having included fragments of “Corpus Hermeticum”
and some other hermetic texts.
Keywords: Hermeticism; mind; Christianity