Digital Competences and Educational Inequalities in European Contex as a Consequence of an Accelerated Shift to Distance E-learning in the COVID-19 Pandemic
Prof. Dr. Roumiana Peytcheva-Forsyth
Dr. Bistra Mizova, Assoc. Prof.
Sofia University
Prof. dr. Galin Tsokov
University of Plovdiv “Paisii Hilendarski”
Absract. This paper presents synthesized results from a rapid review based on a meta-analysis of evidence from the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on education in 11 European countries in the context of the “emergency” transition of school systems to remote e-learning....
Characteristics and Specifi city of Learning-Oriented E-Assessment in Higher Education – Points of View and Research
Prof. Vasya Delibaltova, DSc.
Sofia University
Absract. The purpose of this study is to outline the basic discussion issues related to e-assessment, and in particular learning-oriented e-assessment and on this basis to outline the challenges of practice and research in this field...
Digital Examination Practice: Potential, Problems, Perspectives
Dr. Daniela Kirova, Assoc. Prof.
Episkop Konstantin Preslavski Shumen University
Absract. The article considers electronic assessment in higher education based on a classification from the perspective of technology and technological means...
Adoption of LMS Moodle Tools in Student Learning – in Line with Teaching Practices
Dr. Silviya Blagoeva-Karamfilova, Assoc. Prof.,
Dr. Silvia Parusheva, Assoc. Prof.
University of Economics – Varna (Bulgaria)
Abstract. The education of students in an online-based environment in the conditions of a pandemic leads to an intensification of the use of Learning Management Systems (LMS) by higher education institutions (HEIs)…
Training of Health Care Faculty from Medical University – Plovdiv, for Work in Moodle
Dr. Angelina Kirkova-Bogdanova
Medical University – Plovdiv
Absract. The sudden transition to distance learning due to the COVID-19 pandemic has created stress, especially great for healthcare education, where practical skills are built in laboratories and real settings...
Integrating Intercultural Education in the Primary School Curriculum
Bujar Adili, Prof. Dr. Sonja Petrovska, Gzim Xhambazi
Goce Delchev University (North Macedonia)
Abstract. The paper investigated through which subjects intercultural education can best be applied in the primary school curriculum…
Identifying students’ level of psychological well-being amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic
Dr. Aislu Akisheva, Assoc. Prof.
L.N. Gumilyov Eurasin Nnational University (Kazakhstan)
Abstract. An empirical psychological survey has been conducted with students of the L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University (Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan) to reveal the psychological conditions of students in the COVID-19 pandemic…
Attitudes of Future Kindergarten Teachers towards the STEM Approach
Prof. Nataliya Pavlova, DSc.
Episkop Konstantin Preslavski Shumen University
Mrs. Michaela Toncheva
Sofia University
Absract. The article presents data from discussions, observations and a survey conducted among students – future children's teachers...
The Child Aggression through the Behaviorism View (Brief Theoretical Analysis)
Dr. Donka Nikova, Assoc. Prof.
University of National and World Economy
Absract. This article reviews the child aggression through the behaviorism view.
Preventive Proceedings of Commissions for Combating of Anti-social Acts among Under Age and Minor People
Dr. Lyubka Atanasova, Assist. Prof.
South-West University “Neofit Rilski”
Absract. This article presents a detailed analysis of the activities of the local commissions for combating anti-social behavior in minors and the activities of school commissions for combating anti-social behavior in minors....