Dr. Katerina Zlatkova-Doncheva, Аssist. Prof.
St. Cyril and St. Methodius University of Veliko Turnovo
Absract. Current study reserach anxiety and aggression behaviors among children with emotional and conduct disorders by a case study. The case presents a child who lives outside family and together with other children (N=40) comprised an intervention using four interaction strategies: normal voice and positive language; increased tone and positive language; normal tone and negative language, and increased tone and negative language. The results outline strong dependence between anxiety and aggressive behavior, and demonstrate the inefficiency of the use of negative language with increased tone for children with emotional and conduct disorders. The case study reveals additional nuances in terms of school achievement, which is dependent on the social-communicative development and the emotional and behavioral condition of the child.
Keywords: emotional disorders; conduct disorders; at-risk children; aggression; anxiety; children deprived of parental care
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