Alla Prus, Ivan Lenchuk
Department of Algebra and Geometry
Ivan Franko State University – Zhytomyr (Ukraine)
Abstract. The professional development of Mathematics teachers is one of the important areas of the research. We consider the ability to solve problems with parameters as a significant indicator of competence of a teacher of Mathematics. We propose a model of purposeful formation of future teachers of Mathematics of the concept of parameter in the process of studying the discipline “Problems with Parameters”, which was created by the authors specifically for this purpose. The research began in 2002 and it involved 290 students from the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of one of the state Universities in Ukraine. The paper represents a part of the research on learning to solve linear, quadratic and fractional equations with parameters. The authors highlighted typical errors of students during the study of these topics and created a system of means to prevent them.
Keywords: parameters, linear equation with parameters, quadratic equation with parameters, fractional equation with parameters, mathematics student teachers