Prof. Dr. Nataliya Pavlova
Episkop Konstantin Preslavski Shumen University
Absract. In this article, we will analyze the needs, interests and realization of
the students of The Faculty of mathematics and computer science of Konstantin
Preslavsky University of Shumen, preparing to become teachers of mathematics,
informatics, computer modeling and information technologies. The group we
are considering are the students of Bachelor’s and Master’s degree. The data for
students who choose to graduate with thesis defense are being studied. The aim
is to track the trends and the reflection of current methodological directions in the
interests of students. A classification is proposed in the main areas in which students
choose to work. A content analysis of the defended graduation theses in the period
2014 – 2022 was made. The realization of the students was tracked. Ideas that are to
be realized in diploma thesis in the future are marked.
Keywords: diploma thesis; defense; degree; interests