Dr. Isa Hadjiali, Assoc. Prof.
Sofia University
Absract. The article presents the results of a survey among students, teachers and parents on non-formal educational activities. The sample size included 80 students between the ages of 12 – 14, participants in summer academies for children, 100 teachers and 69 parents. The main diagnostic tool is a survey of five
questions - four with closed and one question with open answers. The survey results were processed statistically, using descriptive statistics, Fisher's parametric test and Kruskal Wallis's non-parametric test. Most of the respondees (students, teachers and
parents) believe that the Middle school curriculum in Science (V – VI grade) and
Biology and Health Education (VII grade) affects career choice. Students are not
sure, while parents are doubtful, that in formal education one can acquire enough
knowledge and skills, applicable to the real professional life. The results of the research indicate that non-formal educational initiatives are rare at the schools of the repondees (students, parents and teachers).
Keywords: анкетиране, ключови компетентности, неформално образование, формално образование