Dr. Boryana Ivanova, Assoc. Prof.
Dr. Elena Kamenova, Assist. Prof.
University of Plovdiv “Paisii Hilendarski”
Absract. The article emphasizes the importance of movement both for childrenʹs health and also for intellectual development and the competences. The aim of the research is to study not only theoretically but also practically the role of movements as an irreplaceable health and competence resource. The results of a survey with
teachers, which concerns the development of motor skills in kindergarten, are also
presented. Movements and perceptions are seen as necessary prerequisites for
acquiring knowledge about the surrounding world. The importance of movements is
also considered withhin salutogenesis. Basic functions of movements are outlined.
Various perspectives are presented in the context of immovability. Attention is also
focused on the factors influencing the occurrence of motor deficits in children:
family, kindergarten, environment. The role of parents and theachers for childrenʹs
motor activity is irreplaceable.
Keywords: children; teachers; parents; movements; health; competences; kindergarten; family; environment