Prof. Stoyanka Georgieva-Lazarova, PhD, Dr. Luchezar Lazarov, Assoc Prof.
St. Cyril and St. Methodius University of Veliko Turnovo
Absract. After an overview of the scientific literature, scientifically proven inner university mechanisms, aiming to increase the quality of distance learning in accordance with our country’s regulations have been proposed, with the emphasis of this report being the model for evaluating e-courses for distance learning by
experts (according to specially developed rules).
One of the model’s key benefits is that it actually leads to increased e-course quality when distance learning is concerned. With this system every teacher, whose course is subject to evaluation, is provided with the support that is needed and has a personal contribution in helping distance learning meet country requirements. A disadvantage of the model is the need for precise verification and approval of the course by experts, which requires time and effort. Ways to resolve this problem were investigated.
Keywords: distance e-courses in universities; e-learning; distance learning