1)Инна Федотенко, 2)Нели Бояджиева
1)Тулски държавен педагогически университет „Л. Н. Толстой“ (Русия)
2) Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski"
Absract. There is solid tradition already two decades in the beginning of the new school year in Creative Home of Sofia University in Bulgaria at Вlack see town Kiten, to make scientific forums – International conferences organized from Association of professors from Slavonic Countries (APSC). The topics are dedicated to different aspects of the interaction between teacher and student in University education in the first decades of 21st century. In the last two years, accents are upon the actual problems, theories, technologies, research and educational practices about pedagogy innovations in teaching process.
The last 20th forum conduced at 2.09.2020 in on-line format of communication, focuses upon conditions, difficulties, and risk from interactions in pandemic situation.
Keywords: scientific forum; Association of professors from Slavonic Countries; international conferences; interaction between teacher and student; university education; pandemic situation
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