Развитие на римския лимес в Северна Британия и по Долен Дунав от Нерва до Комод – някои прилики и разлики
[The Roman Limes in North Britain and on the Lower Danube from Nerva to Commodus – Some Similarities and Differences] /
Б. Жеков / B. Zhekov – стр. 199
Емигрантството на Светослав Миларов в Австро-Унгария
[The Emigrant Years of Svetoslav Milarov in Austro-Hungary] /
Б. Антонова / B. Antonova – стр. 217
Войнишки песни за Балканската война
[Soldiers` Songs about the Balkan War] /
Ст. Георгиева / St. Georgieva – стр. 238
Начало на регионалната политика в Южна България (60-те и 70-те години на ХХ век)
[The Beginning of the Regional Policy in Southern Bulgaria During the 60’s and 70’s of the Twentieth Century ] /
П. Цокова / P. Tsokova – 245
Научно-културните връзки между Aзербайджан и България. Сътрудничество в областта на образованието (1991–2008)
[Relations Between Azerbaijan and Bulgaria in the Area of Culture, Science and Education (1991-2008)] /
Г. Мамадов / H. Mammadov – стр. 262
Една империя, създадена без желаниe (Фъргюсън, Н. Империя: Възход и разпад на британския световен ред и уроците за една глобална сила)
[A Reluctant Empire (Ferguson, N. Empire: The Rise and Demise of the British World Order and the Lessons for Global Power)] /
Б. Гаврилов / B. Gavrilov – стр. 272
Конрад Аденауер и политическата система на Федерална република Германия
[Konrad Adenauer and the Political System of the Federal Republic of Germany] /
Б. Гаврилов / B. Gavrilov – стр. 281
Боян Жеков
Sofia University
Резюме. Настоящата статия се занимава с проблемите на римския лимес в провинция Британия и по Долен Дунав в епохата на династията Нерво-Антонини (96–192 г.). В уводната част се разглеждат някои размисли върху употребата на понятието „лимес“ в научната литература, както и някои моменти, свързани с еволюцията на римската гранична политика до II в., когато започва трайната фортификация на редица гранични зони на Римския принципат. В изложението е представена военнополитическата съдба на провинция Британия в годините от края на I до края на II в. Акцентът пада върху структурното устройство на границата през този век, както и върху факторите, които водят до една или друга нейна промяна в Северна Британия. Изложени са редица лични наблюдения по отношение на някои спорни в науката въпроси като функциите на едно съоръжение, част от Стената на Хадриан (т. нар. Валум), корелацията между двете Стени през 50-те – 80-те години на II в., като е представена нова обосновка на хронологията на събитията.
Keywords: limes, North Britain, Lower Danube, Nerva, Commodus, similarities,differences
Abstract. The present article refers to the problems of the Roman limes in the province of Britannia and on the Lower Danube during the reign of the NervoAntonine dynasty (96-192 A.D.). This part of the text presents two main points of the discussion. In the introduction part there are presented some points about the use of the term “limes” up to the IInd century A. D. in the ancient written sources and in the bibliography of modern historical science. The view is focused on the evolution of the Roman frontier policy form the Ist century B. C. to the beginning of the IInd century A. D. when the permanent fortification of a great deal of the Roman provinces began. The stress is put on the change of the frontier policy making that inevitably lead to the construction of massive artificial barriers in some provinces as in Britannia and Germany at the end of the Ist and the outset of the IInd century A. D. There are some thoughts that present the mentality of the Roman governing circles during the reign of Augustus and the development of the grand strategy of the Roman frontier policy in the Ist century A. D. It is argued that the Roman conquest of a great deal of the European and some parts of the Asian territories up to the IInd century A. D. provokes the new frontier policy, visible especially in the reign of Hadrian when Roman political elite was more concerned in keeping what have already been conquered rather than continuing the conquest.
The expose depicts the development of the military and the political situation in the province of Britannia from the end of the Ist century A. D. to the end of the IInd century A. D. The main focus is put on the structural organization of the frontier. Hadrian’s Wall and Antonine Wall, their building and setup, are presented in details as symbols of the Roman frontier policy in Britain. There are a few 216 personal observations about some strange features of Hadrian’s Wall, as the so called Vallum, and its purpose which is a point of a discussion in the modern scholarship. There are also some interpretations about the correlation between the two Walls from the 50s to the 80s of the IInd century A. D. I have presented my own reason about the chronology of these events based on written sources and archeological information. Nevertheless, as this period is very debatable I do not pretend that my own opinion is the absolute truth. It is more like another point of view about these events.
In conclusion, the purpose of this part of the article is to present the main features of the Roman frontier policy in Britannia during the reign of the Nervo-Antonine dynasty as an integral part of the entire frontier policy of the Roman state and to bring out some fixed points that can be found in the development of other frontier regions of the Principate. Still I have not omitted to present the unique features that are in force for the limes in Britannia alone.
Boyan Zhekov
Sofia University „St. Kliment Ohridski“
Боряна Антонова
Sofia University
Abstract.. В статията е разгледан относително кратък период от биографията на българския интелектуалец Светослав Миларов (1849/1850–1892 г.). Това са годините, които той изкарва в емиграция в Австро-Унгарската империя (1873; 1875–1876 г.). Първият емигрантски престой на Миларов там е свързан с журналистическата му дейност. През лятото на 1873 г. заминава като кореспондент на цариградския вестник „Право“ със задачата да отрази Световното изложение във Виена. Миларов представя своите впечатления в серия от дописки, наименувана „Писма върху изложението във Виена“. След посещението на австрийската столица Светослав посещава и Загреб. Впоследствие се установява в Белград при семейството си, където живее до самия край на 1874 г. През 1875 г. Миларов отново заминава за Хърватско, където остава до лятото на 1876 г. По време на втория си престой в Австро-Унгария Светослав продължава и образованието си. Установявайки се в Хърватско, той не изоставя и журналистическите си занимания, като става главен редактор на загребския вестник „Obzor“. Освен това сътрудничи и на изданията „Vienac“ и „Hrvarski dom“. В Загреб Светослав публикува няколко литературни творби, като така добива популярност сред местната хърватска общност.
Keywords: Svetoslav Milarov, Austro-Hungary, journalism
Abstract. This paper presents one relatively short period of the biography of the Bulgarian intellectual Svetoslav Milarov (1849/50 – 1892). This period covers the years which he spends in the Austro-Hungarian Empire as an emigrant (1873; 1875-1876). Indeed, the first stay of Milarov in the Habsburg Empire dates back in his early years when he studies in Zagreb as an exhibitioner of Josip Strossmayer during 1862-1865. The first stay of Svetoslav in Austro-Hungary as an emigrant is connected with his activity as a journalist. In the summer of 1873 he arrives in the Austrian capital as a newsman of the newspaper “Pravo”, printed in Istanbul. Milarov has the task to describe the Vienna World Exposition. He presents his impressions in the series of reports named “Letters on the Exposition in Viena”. After visiting Vienna Svetoslav leaves to Zagreb. He stays there for a short period and after he leaves Croatia he settles down in Belgrade where he lives until the end of 1874. In 1875 Milarov set off from Serbia and goes to Zagreb again. He stays there till the summer of 1876. During his second stay in Austro-Hungary Svetoslav continues his education. He also supports other Bulgarians who study in Zagreb at that time. In this period Milarov doesn’t leave his journalistic activities and works as an editor of the Croatian newspaper “Obzor”. Moreover, he cooperates with the review “Vienac” and the student almanac „Hrvatski dom“. In addition, during his second stay in Zagreb Svetoslav publishes several literary works and thus gains popularity among the local Croatian community. During this period Milarov establishes links with some Croatian public figures and cultural activists as Jovan Hranilovič, Ivan Kukulevič, Avgust Šenoa, Vatroslav Jagič and others.
Boriana Antonova
Sofia University „St. Kliment Ohridski“
Abstract. This paper draws attention to three songs from the Balkan war. They are related to the battle course of the 31st infantry regiment of Silistra which during the war was a part of the Third Army commanded by General Radko Dimitriev. All three songs were recorded in the soldier diary of Peter Zhechev Kurdomanov that is preserved in the State Arrives Silistra, fond 127, inventory 1, archive units 2 / receipt 14/. The first song is titled A Song of the dead hero and it is devoted to the hero of Dobrich Ivan Slavov. The second one is Turkish and it is provisionally titled Five on a knife. It represents the mood of the Turkish army during the period OctoberNovember 1912. The third song Come out my love and give a hearty welcome to me, describes the joy of the returning victors in Silistra.
Dr. Stanka Georgieva
32, Ianko Todorov Str.
Станка Георгиева
Резюме. В настоящата статия предмет на внимание са три песни от времето на Балканската война. Те са свързани с бойния път на 31-ви пехотен Силистренски полк, който по време на войната е в състава на Трета армия, командвана от генерал Радко Димитриев. И трите песни са записани във войнишния дневник на Петър Жечев Курдоманов, съхраняван в ДА Силистра, ф.127, оп.1, а.е. 2 (ч.п. 14).
Първата песен е озаглавена „Песен на убития герой“ и е посветена на
героя от Добрич Иван Славов. Втората песен е турска, условно е озаглавена „По пет на нож“ и отразява настроението в турската армия през периода октомври-ноември 1912 г. Третата песен – „Излез, излез, мило либе, излез, посрещни ме“, описва радостта от завръщането на победителите в Силистра.
Keywords: war, soldier, army
Полина Цокова
Sofia University
Резюме. През 60-те и 70-те години на ХХ век българските държавни власти приемат решения за регионалното развитие в три слабо развити региона на Южна България – Благоевградски окръг, Смолянски окръг и Кърджалийски окръг. Тези три окръга са разглеждани като стратегическа територия в регионалната политика на България в избрания хронологически отрязък. Целта на правителствените актове е всеки от трите региона да се изравни по статистически показатели със средното ниво в страната. Икономическите и културните аспекти са основни в регионалните програми в разглеждания териториален обхват. Инвестициите в нови отрасли се изразяват главно в машиностроенето и химическата промишленост. Образованието на младите хора и изследванията по история формират сърцевината на политиката в културния сектор. Като резултат за период от двадесет години стандартът на живот се подобрява. Въпреки емиграционните процеси към столицата, голям брой жители в активна възраст предпочитат да живеят и работят в населеното място, където са родени. Благоевградски, Смолянски и Кърджалийски окръг се превръщат в образец за развитието на други региони на България, които също са разположени близо до границата и се нуждаят от развитие.
Keywords: regional policy, decrees, regional development, Blagoevgrad region, Smoljan region, Kurjali region
Abstract. From 1 January 2007 the European Union includes 27 countries and 1303 regions at NUTS 3. 28 Bulgarian regions belong to the latter category. The location of the cities which have the status of regional centers in the territory of modern Bulgaria was chosen in 1959. In the 60-s and 70-s of the 20th century Bulgarian state authorities adopted decrees about the regional development in three underdeveloped regions in Southern Bulgaria – Blagoevgrad region, Smoljan region and Kurjali region. These three regions were treated as a strategic territory in the regional policy of Bulgaria in that period. The aim of the governmental regulations was the statistic indicators in each of the three regions to be equalized to the average level of the country. The main aspects of the regional programs in that area were economic and cultural. The investments in new branches referred mostly to engineering and chemical industry. Education of young people and researches in history formed the core of the cultural policy. The investment projects had a strong intellectual infl uence. Folk-songs concerts and dances presented by professional and amateur ensembles, art and museum exhibitions, literary readings and other cultural events promoted Bulgarian cultural and historical heritage of the Macedonian and Thracian Bulgarians. Remembrances of the refugees from Aegean and Vardar Macedonia and Aegean Thrace persisted in the cultural development in Blagoevgrad, Smoljan and Kardjali district in that period. The establishment of higher education was necessary in Blagoevgrad in order to break the trend of young people from Vardar and Aegean Macedonia leaving to study in Skopje. Special attention was devoted to the use of good Bulgarian literary language among the Bulgarian Turk. Teachers and writers helped for spreading literature and works of contemporary art and science achievements among Muslim Bulgarians. There were built new cultural centers, cinemas and schools. As a result, for the period of twenty years the standard of life was increased. Instead of migration for example to the capital many people in active age preferred to live and work at the local site where they were born. Blagoevgrad region, Smoljan region and Kurjali region were an example for the other regions also situated near the border. However, other parts of Bulgaria still needed development.
Polina Tsokova, PhD
Sofia University „St. Kliment Ohridski“
15, Tsar Osvoboditel Blvd.
Габил Нуркиши оглъ Мамадов
Славянски университет в Баку
Резюме. Статията е посветена на научните и културните контакти между независимата Азербайджанска република и Република България. В края на XX и през първото десетилетие на XXI век между двете страни вече съществуват близки творчески връзки в областта на науката, образованието и културата. В статията е направен опит те да бъдат подробно осветени, фокусирайки се върху периода 1991–2008 г.
Keywords: Culture, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, science, education, cultural relations
Abstract. Dialogue and relations between cultures, the oldest and most fundamental mode of democratic conversation, is an antidote to rejection and violence. Azerbaijan is an uniting place for different cultures and civilizations being situated at the crossroad between the East and the West, the North and the South. Its culture has been manifested with the values of Islamic and the western societies for centuries. Today the Republic of Azerbaijan is committed to intercultural dialogue and cooperation and strives to be an integral part of the developing world. The national flag of Azerbaijan consists of a horizontal tricolor of blue, red and green with white crescent and an eight–pointed star centered in the red band. The blue band refers to the nation’s Turkic heritage, the red stands for progress, and the green represents Islam. Those three colors, presented on the flag of the Republic of Azerbaijan, indicate the important role of the state in the foreign policy issue, dialogue and cooperation between different cultures, heading for Europe by preserving its national, cultural and religious values. Thus, the three colors of the flag symbolize these elements. Religious tolerance, openness, intercultural cooperation and commitment today are among the finest qualities of the Azerbaijani people.
The article is devoted to analysis of relations between the Azerbaijan Republic and the Republic of Bulgaria in the field of culture, science and education. In the end of the XX century and the beginning of the XXI century the Azerbaijan Republic and the Republic of Bulgaria developed their relations in the noted area. The author characterizes the relations between the two states in the field of culture, science and education in the period of 1991-2008.
On 14 January 1992 Bulgaria recognized the independence of Azerbaijan and on 5 June 1992 diplomatic relations were established between the two countries. The Azerbaijani-Bulgarian cultural relations developed successfully. An agreement on cooperation between Baku Slavic University and Sofia University “St. Kl. Ohridski” was signed in 2002. On 26-31 October 2002 the ex-president of the Republic of Bulgaria Zhelyu Zhelev was conferred upon the honorary title of Doctor of Baku Slavic University.
On 7 October 2004 the Center of the Bulgarian Language and Culture was opened with the participation of the President of the Republic of Bulgaria Georgi Parvanov. The main goal of the Center of the Bulgarian Language and Culture of Baku Slavic University is to develop the cultural relations between Azerbaijan and Bulgaria and to arouse interest of the youth in culture, education and science of both countries assisting to advance the teaching process of Bulgarian. The Center promotes the popularization of the Bulgarian language, culture and history. This language has been taught in Baku Slavic University since 1996 and now more than 30 students are learning this language in the faculties of “International Relations and Regional Studies (Bulgarian Studies)” and “Translation”. The hall is used for seminars on the above mentioned disciplines. Various cultural events related to the history, culture and customs of Bulgaria, meetings with Bulgarian statesmen and representatives of cultural and scientific spheres of this country are held in the Center. In addition, every year the Center celebrates Novruz holiday to familiarize Bulgarian people living in Azerbaijan with the customs. Holding such kind of events promotes interchange between our cultures.
Cultural relations also develop in the frame of non-governmental organizations. For assistance, on 30 May 2005 Association of the development of Friendship between Azerbaijan and Bulgaria was registered by the Ministry of Justice of Azerbaijan. The chief of the Association is M.P. Huseynova. On 5 July 2005 Bulgaria–Azerbaijan friendship association was found in Sofia. The head of the Union of Bulgarian Writers, N. Petev, was elected as a head of the association. On 30 October – 5 November 2006 a delegation including the Chief of the Federation of friendship with people of Russia and CIS Z. Zaxariev, the Head of the Union of Bulgarian Writers N. Petev and the Head of the Bulgarian Journalists M.Vilkov visited Azerbaijan. During the visit the delegation met with officials and intellectuals of Azerbaijan.
Assoc. Prof. Habil Mammadov, PhD
Department of European Studies
Baku Slavic University