Results of Application of Web-Based Educational Resources for Formation of Health Competence In Teaching Biology
and Health Education in 7th Grade
Absract. The article analyzes the results of experimentally verified methodical model for the application of web-based educational resources for the formation of health competencies in teaching biology and health education in the 7th grade. Processing and analysis of the results were made using the procedural model BLUP (Best Linear Unbiased Prediction), which has not been applied so far in educational research. The subject were children from basic school with a high level of interest and achievement in natural sciences.
The obtained results (in-between averages) indicate that the system “teacher – health knowledge” reliably affects the differences in performance of the “difference in gender – teacher – skills”, at that – in favor of girls. The “teacher – health knowledge” system affects the differences in performance of the “difference in gender – web – knowledge” but in favor of boys. High positive correlation was reported between the results obtained in health knowledge and skills in the using of teaching traditional methods (teacher).
Keywords: pedagogical experiment; web-based educational resources; health knowledge; procedure model; Best Linear Unbiased Prediction
1)Dr. Margarita Panayotova,
1)Dr. Zlatka Vakleva,
2)Ms. Monika Teneva
3)Dr. Svetoslav Karamfilov, Assist. Prof.
3)Prof. Dimo Penkov
1) University of Plovdiv “P. Hilendarsky”
Plovdiv, Bulgaria
Rayna Knyaginya” School Plovdiv, Bulgaria
Agricultural University Plovdiv, Bulgaria
“Osmosis. Osmotic Cell Behavior” – Use of Electronic Applications, Cloud Technologies and Demonstration of Experiments
Absract. Prof. ,,Emanuil Ivanov” High School of Mathematics and Science in city of Kyustendil supports the initiative of UNICEF and the Bulgarian Ministry of Education and Science to promote the Global Goals for Sustainable Development by joining the Global initiative ,,The Biggest Lesson in the World”. The aim of the initiative is to introduce the young generation to the Global for Goals Sustainable Development, to call on everyone together to make the planet fair, healthy and sustainable and to commit to it`s future. This school year, in connection with the 30th anniversary of the adoption of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, we dedicate the initiative to children with disabilities. The lesson “Osmosis. Osmotic Cell Behavior”, devoted to Global Goal 15 “Life on Earth”, includes the use of electronic applications, cloud technologies and demonstration of experiments on the presentation of osmosis as a chemical process, the osmotic behavior of plant and animal cells.
Keywords: electronic applications; cloud technologies; demonstration of experiments; osmosis; osmotic cell behavior; interdisciplinary lesson
Ms. Silvia Georgieva, Silvia Rusimova
Prof. Emanuil Ivanov High School of Mathematics and Science
Kyustendil, Bulgaria
Diversity Challenges in Landbased Education
Abstract. Equality and equal opportunities for women and men are central values of our society. Changes in traditional gender roles can only be achieved if people learn to be more aware of them. Gender-sensitive pedagogy assumes that girls and boys enter school with different interests, strengths and weaknesses through their socialisation in family and society and are confronted with different worlds of experience. For this reason, school – alongside family – is an extremely influential institution for the development of social gender and an equal relationship between the sexes. Based on the concept of the course „Sexuality and Gender“, possibilities are shown how gender-sensitive education can be introduced in agrarian and environmental pedagogical professions and how the school system can benefit from it.
Keywords: Agrarian and Environmental pedagogy; gender; gender competence; gender-sensitive; diversity; sexuality; methods
Sarah Eichinger
University College for Agrarian and Environmental Pedagogy – Vienna (Austria)
The Prenatal Ultrasound: Celestial Manna, Russian Roulette or Pandora’s Box
Absract. Currently, there are too many pathological conditions among children and adults, such as Austism Spectrum Disorder, dyslexia, late speech onset, epilepsy, hyperactivity, attention deficit, emotional and behavioral disorders. One of the possible reasons for this increasing of the conditions could be the prenatal ultrasound radiation. This paper presents the results of a study conducted in a two-phase research in eight years period (2011 – 2019). This paper is considered to be the first scientific publication in Bulgaria dealing with this issue.
Keywords: danger; risk; prenatal ultrasound; Doppler; monitoring devices; special educational needs; children with different abilities; informed consent; conscious parenting; responsible parenting; pregnancy
Dr. Svetoslava Saeva
South-West University “Neofit Rilski”
The History of a Lectureship During (and not only) Coronavirus
Absract. Education is always in the catch-up with economic development, and one of the reasons is its stereotypes.
In this article, we share the experience of the National IT Career Training Program, which has been implemented since 2017 in Bulgaria. The aim of the program is to provide the IT sector with well-trained and highly motivated staff. The strengths and weaknesses of this type of education are analyzed, as well as the opportunity to expand to other sectors of the economy. The scheme of this alternative way of vocational education is suitable for the development of sectoral policies in which business is active.
Keywords: vocational education; distance education; programming education; IT career
Dr. Ivailo Staribratov
University of Plovdiv “Paisii Hilendarski”
The History of a Lectureship During (and not only) Coronavirus
Dr. Assia Assenova
Ca’ Foscari University Venice, Italy
In today's issue we present:
“Yoan Ekzarh Balgarski” Secondary School -Shumen, Bulgaria
The School on the Boundary Between Two Cultures
Absract. This academic article aims to present some of the educational practices which a school, founded in 2000, implements. The very first year of the new millennium calls for greater responsibility in creating a modern school with an up-to-date infrastructure as well as for a learning model ahead of its time. Teachers are well aware that they are working on the boundary between two cultures – paper versus digital, and thus organize their teaching methods in accordance with the profile of today's student.
Keywords: modern education; digitisation; boundary; quality
Ms. Valentina Todorova
“Yoan Ekzarh Balgarski” Secondary School -Shumen, Bulgaria
The Technological Educational Environment in Primary School
Absract. The technological educational environment, as part of the structure of interactive learning, extends ways of collaboration between educator and students. The integration of information technology in the learning process is not a novelty for “Yoan Ekzarh Balgarski” Secondary School, city of Shumen (Bulgaria). The school has been a part of the National program “Innovations schools” since 2017/2018 school year.
The modernization of the technical base and the development of the digital culture of students are a natural extension of the goals set in the school's strategy. Changing the educational environment encompasses its content, methods and goals.
This paper presents the idea of introducing a new organizational model that enhances already developed and working innovative approaches. The ambition of the “Without homework” project from 2020/2021 school year
is that students have the opportunity, during the school day, to completely do all their school work.
Keywords: technological educational environment; interactive learning; digital culture; innovative approaches
Ms. Iskra Stefanova, Ms. Milena Eneva
“Yoan Ekzarh Balgarski” Secondary School -Shumen, Bulgaria
English Language Distance Learning for Primary Students
Absract. Contemporary children live in time in which technology is an inseparable part of our daily life. The mouse and the keyboard replace the pen and the paper. The new digital generation has access to the touch screen since early age. Fortunately, the education strategy of “Yoan Ekzarh Balgarski” Secondary School, Shumen, developed in 2016 outlines the following: Our priority is the necessity of effective application of information and communication technologies, innovations in the education methods and the establishment of inner information and communication structure as well as its relations for the implementation of educational goals.
The article presents some effective methods of teaching English as a foreign language in primary school. The digital resources and the digital competences of the teachers, together with the cognitive activity of the students is a prerequisite for the quick implementation of distance learning and the creation of a virtual classroom.
Keywords: distance learning; innovations; interactive methods; educational games
Ms. Petya Boyanova
“Yoan Ekzarh Balgarski” Secondary School -Shumen, Bulgaria
Assigning Homework in Digital Space as a Means of Improving Students’ Motivation and Results
Absract. Digitalisation of the learning process and integration of innovative and interactive teaching and assessment methods require a change in attitudes towards students’ work out of the classroom.
This article presents models of working practices for enhancing students’ motivation and results through digitalisation of homework, online assigning and evaluating, which are accessible and easy to implement in daily learning activities.
Keywords: digital competence; homework; interactive methods; learning motivation
Ms. Zhenya Tellalova
“Yoan Ekzarh Balgarski” Secondary School -Shumen, Bulgaria
Language Norms and the Pragmatic Function of Speech
Absract. The article presents study on the specifics of linguistic normativity as a codifier, the fields of application of the codifier in contemporary communicative discourse, and conclusions about the flexibility and necessary direction for language adaptability. The aim is to highlight the necessary interaction between language normativity and the pragmatic function of the communicative act. These peculiarities are perceived by the distinct differences in the functioning of the language in different time ranges - from Liberation to modern times. Examples of stylistic analysis of means of influence are drawn from political speeches, which are evidence of developments in the language. The influence of the socio-political factor on dynamic linguistic variability is highlighted.
Keywords: Bulgarian language; language norms; cognitive linguistics; stylistics; linguistic pragmatics; political speech
Ms. Zhaneta Andreeva
“Yoan Ekzarh Balgarski” Secondary School -Shumen, Bulgaria
Developing High School Students’ Reading Skills in a Remote Learning Environment
Absract. Developing reading and digital literacy skills, as well as the key 21st century skills for collaboration and creativity, is essential for the personal accomplishment in the modern world. The article examines the basic principles in the methodology of foreign language teaching with regard to the development of students' reading skills and presents an insight into the possibilities for implementing modern technologies in foreign language acquisition. The described teaching method was tested in the academic year 2019 – 2020, as a result of a pedagogical study conducted with students from “Yoan Ekzarh Balgarski” Secondary School, Shumen. This method proves effective in distance learning environment.
Keywords: remote learning; intensive reading; extensive reading
Ms. Lina Yanbastieva-Petrova
“Yoan Ekzarh Balgarski” Secondary School -Shumen, Bulgaria