Donka Petrova
Vocational School of Forestry and Woodworking “Nikolay Haytov”
Varna, Bulgaria
Absract. The provocative title ”The Mystery of the masks” was liked by the
students from 10th grade whose specialty is Interior design.
The lesson consists of
small parts of the contents of the comedy Tartuf. The image of the main character
Tartuf complements the idea for his deceitful essence. The pictures drawn by the
students emphasized on his unreal piety and mean glimpse.
The main question in this lesson is: why do we need masks? The answer is: in order to recognize the faces of Truth and Lie, to approve sense! The exhibition of masks helped students to choose which one they like more or which picture characterizes them more.
Keywords: mask; comedy; lie; deception; truth; piety; sense; morals.
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