Concept Of Present Practice In Choosing Of Optimal Number Of Tugs
Rino Bošnjak, Zvonimir Lušić , Filip Bojić, Dario Medić
University of Split (Croatia)
Abstract. The common practice in world-wide ports is that they have determined procedures regarding number of required tugs depending usually on most important factors such as weather criteria and size of vessel…
S-101 Charts, Database TablesFor S-101 Charts, Autonomous Vessel
Vladimir Brozović, Danko Kezić, Rino Bošnjak, Filip Bojić
University of Split (Croatia)
Abstract. This article shows a way to store the data of many S-101 charts into a single Postgres database. The data model of the database with all tables is shown and explained…
Influence Of Hydro-Meteorological Elements On The Ship Manoeuvring In The City Port Of Split
Zvonimir Lušić , Nenad Leder, Danijel Pušić, Rino Bošnjak
University of Split (Croatia)
Abstract. The Port of Split is located in the central part of the eastern Adriatic and is the largest Croatian passenger port. The Port of Split consists of the North Port, for the reception of mainly cargo ships, and the City Port for the reception of passenger ships…
Challenges To The Multimodal Transport Networks Based On Sustainable Growth In The Volume Of Containerized Cargoes
Valentina Grancharova
Nikola Vaptsarov Naval Academy (Bulgaria)
Abstract. Globalization is a significant factor for optimization of the existing transport chains. It is a major power for sustainable development of containerized transport, the relevant transport infrastructure and terminal equipment…
Meeting Sustainable Development Goals – Experience From The Largest Shipping Companies
Katarina Balić , Helena Ukić Boljat,
Gorana Jelić Mrčelić, Merica Slišković
University of Split (Croatia)
Abstract. The UN agenda for Sustainable Development underlines the importance of balanced and integrated environmental, economic and social development through 17 goals…
Petri Net Model of Supply Vessel Consumption as Function of the Nature of the Business and the State of the Wind and Sea
Toni Meštrović , Danko Kezić, Ivica Pavić, SrđanVukša
University of Split (Croatia)
Abstract. The state of prices and the development of a given economy depends largely on the gas and oil industry. Every day the gas and oil industry is growing and there is a growing need for platforms…
Traditional vs Online Education In the Maritime Training System Under Covid-19 Pandemic: Comparative Analysis
Alona Leshchenko, Olena Bezlutska
Kherson State Maritime Academy (Ukraine)
Abstract. The correlation between traditional and MOODLE learning management system usage in the educational process of the maritime higher education institutions has been studied in the article…
Measurement Of The Dynamics Of The Sheave Block Of Shipyard
Crane With 1000 T Lifting Capacity For Verification Of The Laboratory Stand
Piotr Szymak1), Paweł Piskur1),
Jacek A. Goszczyński1), Tomislav Batur2)
1)FUD Technologies Sp. z o.o. (Poland)
2)University of Split (Croatia)
Abstract. The paper includes partial results of the development project entitled “The first Polish gantry crane with high lifting capacity for the shipbuilding industry adapted to work in difficult wind conditions – development and demonstration” (no POIR.01.02.00-00-0017/18)…
Optimising The Reference Point Within
A Journal Bearing Using Laser Alignment
Ty Aaron Smith1), Guixin Fan1),
Natalia Nikolova1,2), Kiril Tenekedjiev1,2)
1)Australian Maritime College, University of Tasmania (Australia)
2)Nikola Vaptsarov Naval Academy (Bulgaria)
Abstract. This paper observes different alignment conditions in a journal-bearing-supported machine (i.e. propeller bearings within the stern tube of a marine vessel). A test rig is built so that the driven machine has fixed supports, roller bearings in an electrical motor…
Some Problems Related To The Exploitation Of Automated Container Terminals
Yana Gancheva
Nikola Vaptsarov Naval Academy (Bulgaria)
Abstract. Automation is considered as the basis for the introduction of the fourth industrial revolution in ports and for the implementation of a number of innovations. Often the actual results of container terminal automation do not match the expectations of terminal operators…
Green Ports – Environmental Challenges And Economic Demands
Dimitar Dimitrakiev, Georgi Gilev
Nikola Vaptsarov Naval Academy (Bulgaria)
Abstract. The article defines the term Green Ports as a part of logistics chain…
Multilevel Demand For Sea Transportation. Correlation Between Baltic Dry Index (Bdi) And Coaster Shipping Prices For Sea Routes Between Baltic Seaports And Mediterranean Seaports
Svetlana Dimitrakieva, Ognyan Kostadinov, Christiana Atanasova
Nikola Vaptsarov Naval Academy (Bulgaria)
Abstract. Baltic Dry Index (BDI) reflects the prices of sea transport performed by Capesize, Panamax, Supramax and Handysize bulk carriers only…
Review Of The Current Increase Of Noise Unit Cost Values In Transport
Luka Vukić1), Ivan Peronja1), Mihaela Bukljaš2), Alen Jugović3)
1)University of Split (Croatia)
2)University of Zagreb (Croatia)
3 )University of Rijeka (Croatia)
Abstract. Until recently marginalized, noise pollution has become a significant source of external transportation costs. Noise costs have currently reached a respectable share of 7%, an increase of 3.5 times in the last five years…
Target Detection For Visual Collision Avoidance System
Miro Petković, Danko Kezić,
Igor Vujović, Ivan Pavić
University of Split (Croatia)
Abstract. Automatic Identification Systems (AIS) and Automatic Radar Plotting Aids (ARPA) are commonly used to detect targets for collision avoidance. However, AIS cannot detect targets without AIS transmitters and ARPA has limitations due to blind sector and small targets may not be detected…
New Results For Teaching Ship Handling Using Fast Time Simulation
Knud Benedict1), Michèle Schaub1),
Michael Baldauf1), Michael Gluch1),
Matthias Kirchhoff2), Caspar Krüger2)
1)Department of Maritime Studies Warnemuende / Institute ISSIMS
Hochschule Wismar, University of Applied Sciences – Technology,
Business and Design (Germany)
2)ISSIMS GmbH (Germany)
Abstract. Some years ago, the SAMMON software tool box was introduced for “simulation augmented manoeuvring design, monitoring & conning”…
Approach To Ship’s IT And OT Systems Cybersecurity Improvement
Stoyno Stoynov, Borislav Nikolov
Nikola Vaptsarov Naval Academy (Bulgaria)
Abstract. Daily cyber-attacks on ships’ IT and OT systems are not a rare occurrence anymore. This has been taken into account in recent years and the IMO has issued directives and circulars with recommendations for increasing the cybersecurity of ship information systems as part of the overall ship security system…
Approach To Ship’s IT And OT Systems Cybersecurity Improvement
Albert O. Grapa, Edgar T. Lemoncito Jr.
College of Maritime Education, John B. Lacson Colleges Foundation (Philippines)
Abstract. This study focused on the cadets’ perception of the level of implementation of maritime security in coastwise trade in selected ports of Western Visayas, Philippines, based on the ISPS Code requirements applicable onboard vessels and in port…
The Regionalization Of European Security And Defense Policies
In The Maritime Domain: The Black Sea Case
Siyana Lutzkanova
Nikola Vaptsarov Naval Academy (Bulgaria)
Abstract. The specific regional dynamics of maritime security environment in EU raise the question whether and to what extent the processes of “regionalization of security” need to be implemented within the principles of current CSDP (Common Security and Defense Policy) and European maritime security strategy…
Potential Benefits Of Electricaly Driven Ferry, Case Study
Tina Perić, Ladislav Stazić, Karlo Bratić
University of Split (Croatia)
Abstract. There have been several news articles in the newspapers lately about the introduction of electrically powered ferry boats in Croatia, especially on several shorter routes….
Situational Awareness – Key Safety Factor For The Officer Of The Watch
Hrvoje Jaram, Pero Vidan,
Srđan Vukša, Ivan Pavić
University of Split (Bulgaria)
Abstract. One of the main causes of many maritime accidents are errors caused by the human element. Analysis of many maritime accidents at sea shows that situational awareness is one of the most important safety factors…
Applicability Of The Ooda Loop Theory For Analysis Of Human Error Processes In The Maritime Safety
Boyan Mednikarov, Siyana Lutzkanova
Nikola Vaptsarov Naval Academy (Bulgaria)
Abstract. The publication evaluates the applicability of John Boyd’s OODA Loop (observe-orient-decide-act) theory for the analysis of human error in the maritime industry…