Contribution to the Cultural History of Eastern Rumelia (from the Epistolary Heritage of the Bogoridi Family)
Absract. The article presents an unknown letter from the epistolary heritage of the Bogoridi family, in French in handwritten original, sent by Emanuel Bogoridi to his uncle Alexander Bogoridi, dated June 12, 1879, currently stored in the collection of the Bulgarian Historical Archive at the National Library “Ivan Vazov” – Plovdiv. The source and archeographic aspects of the newly discovered document are examined. In terms of content, the background of the idea of founding a museum, a library, an archive and a university in Eastern Rumelia and the involvement of one of the most famous European Slavic scholars in the person of Konstantin Irechek for this cause are presented. By publishing the letter in Bulgarian for the first time, it is included in scientific circulation.
Keywords: Emanuel Bogoridi; Alexander Bogoridi; Konstantin Irechek; Eastern Rumelia; epistolary heritage; cultural history
Dr. Rusalena Pendzhekova-Hristeva, Assoc. Prof.
University of Plovdiv “Paisii Hilendarski”
Neighbourly Relations (“Komshuluk”) (Cultural and Historical Heritage of Tolerance and Coexistence)
Absract. This article focuses on the daily experience of tolerance between different ethnic and religious communities in Bulgaria. The
modern political uses of ethno-religious differences, in our opinion, do not lead to the need to discover new mechanisms of coexistence, but require the study of already acquired historical experience and the
interweaving of these methods in new realities.
Keywords: tolerance; ethno-religious differences; coexistence
Prof. Veselin Tepavicharov, DSc, Dr. Nadezhda Zhechkova, Assist. Prof.
Sofia University
Nationalization of the Russian Army on the Romanian Front in 1917 – 1918
Abstract. At the end of 1917 and the beginning of 1918, the process of the nationalization of army units took place on the Romanian Front of the Russian army. In conditions of army disintegration, in order to keep the front fighting against the Central Powers, the Russian Command planned to create two Ukrainian, two Polish, one Muslim corps, as well as Belarusian, Lithuanian, Moldovan, and Siberian military units. During the nationalization of troops on the Romanian Front, the entire corps and divisions, as well as smaller military units were given over to Ukrainization, Polonization, Muslimization, etc. Based on archival documents, the article identifies the numbers of major military units, smaller units and subdivisions intended for nationalization, and traces the course of nationalization. The causes of failures of the nationalization process were determined, and the fates of the nationalized formations of the Romanian Front were traced.
Keywords: World War I; Russian army; Romanian front; nationalization; Ukrainization; Polonization; Muslimization
Artem Papakin
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (Ukraine)
Overseas Construction of Technoexportstroy in the 60s – 80s of XX Century
Absract. Technoexportstroy has long been publicly considered as an extraordinary successful company, with a high contribution to the social and economic progress of the developing countries recently liberated from their colonial or mandate status, as well as a provider of generous foreign currency incomes to the state treasury. This romantic image has been sustained by Todor Zhivkov
public statements, too. This paper aims to explore the scale and profitability of
the company’s performance, the opportunities it had and whether the latter led to breakthroughs or losses, the extent to which the reported results were due to an
independent initiative and activity. In order to achieve these goals, a critical analysis has been performed, comparing the data in the preserved archival documents of the
organization with those of the BCP leadership, the Ministry of Foreign Trade, as
well as with the information in some foreign specialized sources, which, also based on their economic interest in the developing countries, had been publishing up-todate
information about the contracts signed for the construction of industrial sites.
Keywords: Cold War; Bulgaria, Technoexportstroy; cross-border construction; developing countries
Irina Grigorova
Institute for Historical Studies
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Sofia, Bulgaria
A Document from XV Century Defining Krichim Boundaries
Absract. The text aims to present a translation of a document from September 1451, defining the boundaries of the land of Krichim as mulk of the Grand Vizier Chanderli Khalil Pasha, contextualizing the information in it with
the published and commented so far about the region as the economic base of the mulk / waqf, as well as a horizontal structure in which interactions between the settlement and the network of religious infrastructure are visible.
Keywords: Mehmed II; Çandırlı Halil paşa; Krichim, sinurname
Dr. Damian Borisov, Assist. Prof.
University of Plovdiv “Paisii Hilendarski”
“Lyuben Karavelov” Branch – Kardzhali
Bulgarians in the Anarchist Movement in Southern Ukraine
Review of Savchenko, V. (2020). Anarchists of Odessa. 1917 – 1937. Odessa: Astroprint, 216 p.
Dr. Oleh Bazhan, Assoc. Member
Institute of History of Ukraine -National University „Kyiv-Mohyla Academy“
Dr. Ekaterina Dikova
Institute of Balkan Studies and Centre of Thracology Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
International Scientific Conference “Everyday Life in Medieval Bulgaria”
Lyberatos, A. (2019). Plovdiv during the Revival Period: Transformation, Hegemony, Nationalism. Sofia: IK “Gutenberg”, 752 p.
Dr. Elena Kostova, Assoc. Prof.
Institute for Historical Studies
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Sofia, Bulgaria