On The Revival Phrasebooks: Reception And Sponsors
Absract. The object of research in this article is the phenomenon of sponsorship in Bulgarian book printing during the Revival, and more specifically in the bilingual phrasebooks. An overview of the printed phrasebooks during the Renaissance is presented, with a focus mainly on Freanch-Bulgarian phrasebook by Ivan Naydenov of 1858, which established itself as a classic example of the genre. Data from a similar study highlights issues related to the Bulgarians' interest in learning foreign languages, their preferences for a particular language and the textbooks through which it is studied, their reception and sponsors.
Keywords: Bulgarian Revival; sponsorship; sponsors; bilingual phrasebooks; Freanch-Bulgarian phrasebook of 1858; Ivan Naydenov; reception
Prof. Diana Ivanova, DSc.
University of Plovdiv “Paisii Hilendarski”
The Status Of Proper Names From The Viewpoint Of Ethnophraseology
Absract. In the introductory part of the article the author analyzes phraseological units with toponymic and ethnonymic components, explicitly connected with a specific historical event, which is part of consciousness of a certain society established as a negative experience. The second part focuses on chosen phraseological units in Slavic languages containing onymic components in their structure that have the character of an asemantic linguistic sign, do not significantly contribute to the emotiveness and imagery of the unit, i. e. they do not influence its phraseological character to a large extent. Lastly, the author deals with the process of phraseologization and motivation of the Slovak phraseme byť (bývať) v Tramtárii (tramtárii) having its origin in mythology or, more specifically, fairy-tales, and its Bulgarian equivalent <в> гори Тилилейски (тилилейски).
Keywords: proper name; phraseological unit; phraseologization; phraseological motivation
Prof. Dr. Mária Dobríková
Comenius University in Bratislava
Russian Proverbs about Love and Their Paremiological Reflection in Bulgarian and Polish Cultures
Abstract. This tri-lingual Russian-Bulgarian-Polish research, based on the Russian paremiological minimum, is looking into paremiological units in relation to Love and the ways people of different but yet similar cultures express their feelings through proverbs. The source of the current research is the Russian-Slavonic Dictionary of proverbs published in 2000 by M. Yu. Kotova .
The actuality of all the proverbs in the research is reviewed and cross-checked against the results of the sociolinguistic paremiological experiment conducted in 2003 – Handbooks of a Paremiographer: Issue 1: Bulgarian paremiological parallels of the Russian paremiological minimum (2013) and Issue 6: Polish paremiological parallels of the Russian paremiological minimum (2019). The author offers literal translations of all of the proverbs selected for this research.
The aim of this paper is to uncover possible lacunarities and culturally-tied expressions in the corpora of European cultural memory, particularly in Russian, Bulgarian and Polish. While targeting proverbs of related Slavic languages, this study is approaching the proverbs from an imagology angle targeting culture-specific lacunae and investigating close relationships within the languages of the Slavic group.
Keywords: Russian; Bulgarian; Polish; proverbs; love; lacunarity; paremiology
Anna Kolpakova
Independent Researcher
Attitudes For Reading (А Survey Among Bulgarian High-School Students)
Absract. A study of the attitudes of Bulgarian high-school students regarding reading is presented in this article. Over five hundred subjects have taken part in the study, 337 girls and 180 boys of age 13 to 18, from the capital Sofia and other schools in country. The study was implemented through a five-module survey, including 74 statements distributed in groups as follows: “During reading”, “Most often I read”, “When (what time) do I read”, “I prefer to read”, “I find information in”. Each statement was evaluated by the subjects according 5-level Likert scale of two types: agreement and frequency estimates. Analysis of the results is also presented. Data obtained in the study lead to outcomes as follows: Online and on-screen reading is preferred rather reading of paper; A lack of well-mastered metacognitive reading skills is observed; The basic source of information is the worldwide web (Internet).
Keywords: attitudes; paper reading; online reading; reading strategies; metacognitive strategies
Dr. Despina Vasileva
Sofia University
Accentuation Of Complex Nouns In Bulgarian Language
Absract. The paper offers an analysis of the accentuation of complex nouns in the Bulgarian language, based on The Optimality theory and the interaction between morphology and phonology. The aim is to outline the tendency for realization of the accent characteristic of the dominant component in the structure, which acts in parallel with metric regularities. Constraints are formulated, expressing basic regularities in the accentuation, such as the orientation of the main stress to the right base and the morphological head. Their ranking in different types of structures is considered. A metric constraint is also introduced, describing the initial position of the secondary stress under certain conditions. The conclusion is substantiated that the additional accent in many cases is lexical and serves for semantic differentiation, and at the same time it also has a metrical manifestation.
Keywords: lexical accentuation; metric accentuation; complex nouns; optimality theory
Dr. Mirena Patseva, Assoc. Prof.
Sofia University
In Search Of New Bulgarian Cultural Heroes Abroad
Absract. The paper discusses several major challenges for delivering messages, symbols and cultural heroes representing an attractive image of Bulgaria and Bulgarians abroad. It takes into consideration a divergence between current national promotion strategies and the opportunities in the foreign market. The author suggests that the role of new cultural heroes can be performed by former football players Hristo Stoichkov and Dimitar Berbatov, whose authobiographies have been released in 2018 with immediate plans for publication in Poland. Judging by their commercial success, “The Story” of Stoichkov and Berbatov’s “My Way” reveal an unexpected transformation of notable sportspersons into narrators. Questions, such as the nature of authorship and co-authorship, the linguistic, stylistic and narrative specifics in both books, lead to a typological comparison of the two athletes-turned-writers to previous manifestations of the Bulgarian cultural hero. According to the author, the most persuading argument for the acceptance of Stoichkov and Berbatov as contemporary cultural heroes is the model of the undisputed winner, revealed in their autobiographies. The two editions do not fit into the categories of high Bulgarian culture, however their translation abroad would open up new horizons in search of successful national symbols.
Keywords: cultural promotion; Bulgarian book; Hristo Stoichkov; Dimitar Berbatov; Bulgarian football
Dr. Kamen Rikev
Maria Curie-Sklodowska University in Lublin
Manifestations Of Scariness In Czech And Bulgarian Folklore Tales
Absract. This article aims to explore the manifestations of horror in Czech and Bulgarian folk tales. Various demonic characters, which are typical of Czech and Bulgarian folklore, are compared аnd the focus being placed on man’s encounter with the supernatural being and the fearful situation that it gives rise to. The function of the scary character in these plots is predominantly harmful and is built on the conflict between man and demon. The presence of the scary is universal and has its own peculiarities in the various folklore genres, and in fairy tales we can highlight the following functions: entertaining, ethical, pedagogical (didactic), therapeutic and cognitive.
Keywords: scary fairy tale; demonic character; folklore
Dr. Rosina Kokudeva
Hristo Smirnenski’s Prose Poetry
Absract. The article examines Hristo Smirrnenski’s prose poetry. It aims to discuss and remind us about some of his half-forgotten works, to outline their main themes and ideas, the characteristics of the poet’s poetics, but also to discuss the genre specificities, the heterogeneity of the works, the essence of the genre, the process of marking the texts, their interpretation through the prism of literary multiplicity.
Keywords: prose poetry; Hristo Smirnenski; genre; poetics
Aleksandar Hristov, PhD student
St. Cyril and St. Methodius University of Veliko Turnovo
Erotic Symbolism Of Women’s Hair In The Poetic Cycle “Queens Of The Night” By Yavorov
Absract. The article examines the image of women's hair in Yavorov's poetic cycle “Queens of the Night”. The focus is on the poems “Cleopatra” and “Sappho”. They analyze the erotic symbolism that hair has. The text also outlines the dialogue between the Yavorov’s cycle and the cycle “Queens of the Night” by Kiril Hristov, mentioning similarities between the two poetic cycles. The image of “Cleopatra” is also traced in the works of poets Emanuil Popdimitrov and Lyudmil Stoyanov. The article very briefly marks the genesis of Bulgarian erotic poetry, as well as the apologization of women's hair in Yavorov's poetry, which are most vividly presented in his poem “Sappho”.
Keywords: women; hair; symbolism; Peyo Yavorov; eroticism
Boriana Vladimirova
Institute for Literature
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Sofia, Bulgaria
Bulgarian Literature: Voices of Translation and Cultural Contexts
Любка Липчева-Пранджева (2020). „Класици, изгнаници, емигранти. Литературни идентичности и превод“. София: Изток – Запад
Dr. Nadezhda Stoyanova
Sofia University