Test vs. Teacher
Absract. The basic figure in school is the teacher. The teacher is responsible for the realization of the educational goals and the different learning/teaching methods combined with the new information-communication technologies are his/her tools in this direction. Undoubtedly the summative tests are proper instruments for an assessment of the pupils’ achievements. However they will be of use if their results are an object of careful discussion between the teacher and his/her students. The final responsibility for pupils’ assessment should belong to the teacher rather than to the machine. This assessment should have a complex character taking into account the overall teaching process in the school years rather than to emphasizing on incidental test records.
D. Lazarov
Log in to read the full textCurriculum Matters
Multimedia Modules: Chemical Bonds
Absract. A Web-based multimedia product about chemical bonding has been developed. It consists of three components: Covalent Bond, Ionic Bond and Metallic Bond that are designed in similar manner: a tutorial section to support students learning with basic facts and information, and a test section to help learning the new concepts. Three-dimensional dynamic models and animated images visualize the formation of chemical bonds. The knowledge structure matches both the chemistry curricular contents of the foreign students’ preparatory course and the Bulgarian Secondary School. So the product can be used by these categories of students at school or at home.
A. Tafrova-Grigorova, K. Yankulova, I. Baranovska
Log in to read the full textTeaching Efficiency
Comparison of the ‘Life Skills’ Strategy with PISA, Programme for International Student Assessment
Absract. This paper compares the ‘Life Skills’ Strategy with PISA, the OECD Programme for International Student Assessment. The similarities and differences of both programs are exhibited. Recommendations for the application of these programs in our school practice are given. We place special emphasis upon ‘scientific literacy’ of the pupils because this literacy affects essentially the work of Chemistry teachers at school.
M. Minevska, J. Stefanova
Chemistry Entrance Exam (2006) in the Faculty of Chemistry of the University of Sofia
Absract. Two entrance exams were conducted in 2006 in the Faculty of Chemistry of the University of Sofia. Any of them included both a test with 20 questions and 4 problems. The present paper describes these tests and problems and explains the procedure of assessment of the prospective students. This paper would be beneficial for secondary school teachers and their pupils facilitating their training to successful entrance to the tertiary chemistry education.
M. Palamareva, G. Pekov, D. Tasheva, P. Tsanova, H. Chanev
Stoichiometry: Problems on Solutions
Absract. Some original stoichiometric problems are presented and the methods of their solving are described. The focus is on the preparation of solutions and their mixing – a usual practice in the teaching chemical laboratory; this practice, however, is found difficult by the fresh students.
T. Baramov