Integrated Vocational High School Lessons: Meaning and Technology
Absract. Статията разглежда необходимостта от промяна в начина на преподаване на учебното съдържание, така че да бъде адекватно на новата концепция за обучение. Авторите представят виждането си по отношение на откриването на нови методически акценти в урока с цел мотивиране у ученика на интерес и желание за взаимодействие с учебната среда. Представена е разработена система от интегрирани уроци, с чиято помощ се стимулира интерес към учебната дейност, формират се базисни социални умения за асертивно поведение, работа в екип, ефективно слушане и учене, развиват се комуникативните умения като основа за формиране на социалните умения.
Представени са примери за интегрирани уроци, включващи различни предмети. Измерени са нагласите на учениците и ефектът от тези уроци. Направени са изводи и препоръки за по-нататъшна работа в тази посока.
Keywords: интегриран урок; система; ученици; работа в екип; мотивация; базисни умения
Mr. Georgi Kidikov, Eng. Marieta Georgieva
“Dr. Assen Zlatarov” Vocational School
Legal Grounds in Favour of Education and Social Integration through Physical Education
Abstract. The Romanian legislation, in line with the international norms, provides the child with the right to education and to plenary, harmonious development of personality, vocations, mental and physical skills. All components of physical health – social, mental, emotional and spiritual health – alongside an active lifestyle contribute to the fulfilment of the above mentioned goals. The article is a plea based on legal Romanian grounds for physical education which the child has the right and possibility to practice in an organized setting – the school. We also discuss some causes for which quite a few parents in Romania encourage or support children not to attend the physical education classes under multiple pretexts, emphasizing the negative effects that such an attitude has upon society.
Keywords: right; physical education; child; development; health; society
Jean Firică
University of Craiova (Romania)
Implementation of the Competence Approach by Using Matrix of Personal and Professional Competencies
Abstract. This article is dedicated to the implementation of the competence approach in practice by using the Matrix of personal and professional competencies. By assessing cquired in practice knowledge, skills and competence of the individuals, the Matrix provides the basis for an adequate choice of the appropriate form and program of theory training. The main purpose is to increase the competence and the efficiency of human resources. Keywords: competence; competencies; Matrix of competencies; human resources; education; vocational training
Dr. Irina Danailova
University of National and World Economy
Challenges towards Vocational Schools in Terms of Adult Education
Absract. The current article discusses the adult education parameters in Bulgaria in the context of the Strategic Educational and Teaching Framework of the EU countries. The text points out the deficit in terms of clear standards, mechanisms and tools for adult education.
The existence of a lifelong learning perspective in vocational schools and the possibility for developing education system are identified.
Keywords: mobility; professional development; innovations; social cohesion; holistic system; lifelong learning.
Ms. Ani Dimitrova Angelova
“Ivan Vazov” Secondary School
Contemporary Aspects and Theories of Verbal Dyspraxia in Childhood
Absract. The article discusses contemporary theories and definitions of verbal dyspraxia of development in children aged five and six. Literary reading shows that different schools use a different terminology apparatus and highlight different diagnostic criteria and manifestations of verbal dyspraxia, described in the article, which implies multi-layered analysis and diagnosis and assessment. Certain levels of development of multiple neurological and motor functions is required for the presence of smooth and correct speech output.
For this reason, the article also addresses the issue of the causes of verbal dyspraxia in children. In short, dyspraxia is a disorder or immaturity of the organization of movements. Related to this are the problems of language, perception and thinking.
Keywords: verbal dyspraxia; analysis; theories; mechanisms
Ms. Dineliya Zheleva
Sofia University
Writing Grasps – Modified Classification
Absract. The manuscript presents some results of a screening for writing grasps and postural control among students in the primary school age. During a 15-minute dictation in class, the kids were observed for their writing grasps, the position of the hips (presence or absence of physiological lordosis) and bad scoliotic posture. We observed 128 children, aged 7 – 10 years. elaborated a more profound classification according to different variables, searched for dependencies between the different grasps and the posture. We think that the results we obtain tend to give better understanding and classifying of the writing grasps used from children in the primary school age.
Keywords: writing; writing grasp; functional; correct; joint hypermobility
Ms. Raya Tsocheva-Gencheva
Sofia University
Educational Potential of Bulgarian Language and Literature and Foreign Language School Curricula for Developing Intercultural Competence
Absract. Статията има за цел да представи резултати от анализ на учебните програми по предметите „Български език и литература“ и „Чужд език“ за IV клас на началния етап на основната образователна степен на българското училище с оглед на възпитателния им потенциал за формиране на интеркултурна компетентност в училищна среда. В тази връзка, ще се търси наличието на елементи, съдействащи за формирането на интеркултурност, а именно – толерантност, емпатия, солидарност, противопоставяне на насилието, равнопоставеност и недопускане на дискриминация, както и положителна комуникативна нагласа. Те са свързани с нравственото, интеркултурното и светогледното възпитание и биха били подходящи за включване в учебното съдържание в часовете по езици в рамките на училищното образование, съответно наличието им в официалните документи на Министерството на образованието ще бъде разглеждано като потенциал по отношение на възпитателната работа в тази насока.
Keywords: intercultural competence; Bulgarian Language and Literature education; Foreign Language education; school curriculum; 4-th Grade of primary school; Ministry of Education and Science of Bulgaria
Ms. Neda Zhecheva
Sofia University
In today's issue we present:
Професионална гимназия по индустриални технологии, мениджмънт и туризъм – Панагюрище
Prevention of Aggressive Behavior in School
Absract. The article examines pedagogical experience built upon the non-violent communication method for avoiding aggressive behavior in school. The author shares experience in solving situations showing aggression and proposes steps for managing and avoiding such attitude.
Keywords: агресия; стратегия; преодоляване на агресивни прояви; модел за ненасилствена комуникация
Ms. Svetlana Hambarska
Vocational School in Industrial Technologies,
Management and Tourism
Binary Lesson in Students’ Vocational Training
Absract. The text deals with the peculiarities of the binary lesson in vocational training. Advantages and difficulties of its realization are indicated. Ideas and examples are provided for better use of this type of lessons as a tool for the continuous learning of the course material.
Keywords: binary lesson; vocational training; difficulties; benefits
Eng. Nencho Nenchev
Vocational School in Industrial Technologies,
Management and Tourism
Vocational Education in “CNC Machines and Systems” Subject
Absract. The article examines the benefits of introducing dual education in certain professions, in this case – "Computer Numerical Control (CNC) Mashines and Systems". The high school‘s experience in organizing this type of training is shown, as well as the benefits it brings to students. There has been real progress, increased interest and motivation by students to learn and work. The partner companies also help in providing the necessary educational literature and equipment at school.
Keywords: dual training; partnership; school; profession
Ms. Aleksandra Dyulgyarova, Eng. Petranka Tsvetkova
Vocational School in Industrial Technologies,
Management and Tourism