Guide for Authors
The Author’s Guidelines are prepared following the Journal’s policy to present to the maximum extent all published manuscripts in international scientific databases. The Guidelines are in accordance with INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR STANDARDIZATION (ISO). ISO 690: 2021(Е), Information and documentation — Guidelines for bibliographic references and citations to information resources.
Списание „Чуждоезиково обучение“ (Chuzhdoezikovo obuchenie-Foreign Language Teaching) разглежда само ръкописи, които са насочени единствено към него.
When sending a manuscript to the Journal, the Author explicitly declares that the manuscript is not already submitted or under consideration for publication elsewhere.
By submitting a manuscript, the Author agrees to follow the Guidelines, requirements and ethical principles for scientific research publishing. The latter’s violation will be considered a refusal of cooperation between the Author and the Journal in future.
Manuscripts that do not correspond to the journal’s scope or manuscripts that are not prepared according to the Guidelines will be rejected without going through blind peer review’s procedure.
Manuscripts should be submitted for consideration electronically as e-mail attachments to It is also acceptable to send the manuscript, together with the appendixes on a CD at the following ground address: 125, Tzarigradsko Shose Blvd., bl. 5, 1113 Sofia, Bulgaria.
Manuscripts must report original research ideas and results.
Manuscripts should be prepared using a standard word processing program. All appendixes in the form of graphs, tables or illustrations should be suitable for reading and editing with programs commonly used for such purposes.
The Journal does not encourage the detailed presentation of commonly known theoretical concepts available in other sources. The Journal reserves the right not to publish manuscripts in which the similarity level exceeds 20%.
The Journal does not encourage the citation of literature that is not relevant to the manuscript’s topic; literature that includes non-textual references or self-citations.
The author is encouraged to have a personal profile as a scientist (e.g. in Researcher ID/WoS, Scopus, ORCID) through which to present his activity and texts to the international scientific community. The personal ID number is indicated on the author's business card.
Decision whether the manuscript will be published or not will be taken according to the reviewers’ recommendations.
Manuscript should be deemed accepted for publication when the author receives a letter of confirmation within three months, starting from the manuscript submission date. If a confirmation letter is not received within the stated period, the author has the right to withdraw the manuscript in written form. The Journal does not make an explicit commitment to inform an author whose manuscript is considered rejected.
Manuscript preparation
General guidelines
(1) Manuscripts may be submitted in Bulgarian or in English depending on the author’s opinion or on the reviewers recommendation.
(2) Препоръчителен обем на ръкописа: до 35 000 знака – за научноизследователска статия или обзор, и до 15 000 знака – за рецензия (заедно с паузите между знаците). Няма изисквания за форматиране на текста по отношение на вид и големина на шрифта.
(3) It is not recommended to specifically format the text itself with regard to tabs, bullets and other similar symbols. Tabs should be used for table layout only.
(4) Manuscripts should be compiled in the following order: title of the paper (without any abbreviations); names of the authors with their scientific degree, academic position and institution; abstract outlining the novelty and results of the study; 3 – 6 keywords; full text; appendixes (as appropriate); notes; references; full business card of the author(s) – academic position, affiliation, personal ID in scientific databases; postal address, e-mail address.
(5) The abstract should indicate the research goal and methodology, and to outline the research novelty and results. The abstract should correspond to the title, keywords and main text of the study. Recommended abstract volume – 150 words.
(6) Figures (Illustrations) and their captions should be presented simultaneously with the text and also separately in a new file. If the volume of a figure is not suitable for inserting, its position should be indicated in the text clearly – Fig. 1, Fig. 2, etc.
(7) Tables and their captions should be presented simultaneously with the text and separately in a new file. If the volume of a table is not suitable for inserting, its position should be indicated in the text clearly – Table 1, Table 2, etc. Tables are used for presenting quantities or variables. Plain text tables are not encouraged as they cause troubles in the pre-print and printing process.
Notes and References
(8) Acknowledgments, cited archival sources and notes at the end of the text are written only in the language of the main text of the manuscript.
(9) The references should be cited in Roman script. If there are sources in Cyrillic script, they (authors, titles and sources) should be presented in Roman script – with translation or by transliteration. In such case, the original language is pointed at the end of reference in square brackets.
(10) Списъкът на използваната литература трябва да съдържа литературни източници, които са достъпни за проверка или справки. Всички останали източници, вкл. архивни извори, документи, закони и др., включително интернет източници, се посочват в раздела „Бележки“, където могат да намерят място и допълнителни обяснения или сведения, за които е преценено, че присъствието им в основния текст на статията би го обременило излишно. Мястото на бележките се маркира в текста на статията с арабски цифри като горни индекси.
(11) The cited literature should be presented in the list of references in accordance with ISO 690-2021 (Harvard System).
Some examples:
Journal article:
The reference includes: author’s name, year of publication, article’s title, journal’s name (in Italics), volume , issue, pages, journal ISSN (if any).
ZLATEVA, A., 2019. Reflecting the Level of Social Adaptation in the Drawings of Children Aged 6 – 7. Pedagogika-Pedagogy, vol. 91, no. 5, pp. 687 – 695. ISSN 1314-8540.
Such a source is cited in the text as: (Zlateva 2019). If it is necessary to indicate a specific page (e.g. p. 689), it is indicated as follows: (Zlateva 2019, p. 689).
If the cited literature is in Cyrillic, two analogous paragraphs are made - in Cyrillic and in Latin:
Bulgarian Language and Literature, Т. 61, № 4, с. 343 – 352. ISSN 1314-8516.
Online periodicals article:
The article source (accessible web address or DOI) should be placed at the end of the cited source.
LASQUETY-REYES, J. A., 2019. Towards Computer Simulations of Virtue Ethics. Open Philosophy [online], vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 399 – 413 [viewed 15 April 2021]. Available from:
Have in mind, that:
- When the article is published in a journal, the journal's name is written in italics.
- списание „Чуждоезиково обучение“ на английски език се цитира като Chuzhdoezikovo obuchenie-Foreign Language Teaching;
- при цитирането на списание „Чуждоезиково обучение“ also called Chuzhdoezikovo obuchenie-Foreign Language Teaching it is necessary to indicate the annual volume and the issue of the journal.
– If the source is in a language, different than the body text one, then the original language should be pointed in square brackets at the end as follows:
STEFANOV, A., 2020. Kant i razvitieto na geometriata. Filosofiya-Philosophy, vol. 29, no. 1, pp. 31 – 38 [in Bulgarian]. ISSN 0861-6302.
HUTORSKOJ, A., 1999. Evristicheskij tip obrazovaniya: rezul’taty nauchno-prakticheskogo issledovaniya. Pedagogika-Pedagogy, vol. 52, no. 7, pp. 15 – 22 [in Russian]. ISSN 1314-8540.
When there are more than three authors, the usage of the abbreviation et al. is also acceptable, as follows:
NICHOLS, P.; TWING, J.; MUELLER, C.D. & O’МALLEY, K., 2010. Standard-setting methods as measurement processes. Educational Measurement: Issues & Practice, vol. 29, no. 1, pp. 14 – 24. ISSN 1714-5541.
or as:
NICHOLS, P., et al., 2010. Standard-setting methods as measurement processes. Educational Measurement: Issues & Practice, vol. 29, no. 1, pp. 14 – 24. ISSN 1714-5541.
Such source is cited in the text as: (Nichols, Twing, Mueller & O’Malley 2010), or as (Nichols et al. 2010) – depending on the way it is stated in the reference list.
In books, the title of the book is written in italics. The author of the manuscript also mentions the city and the publisher of the book.
ATKIN, J.M.; BLACK, P. & COFFEY, J., 2001. Classroom assessment and the national science education standards. Washington: National Academies Press. ISBN 978-0-17-966137-9.
MERION, D.B., 1975. Physics and physical world. Moscow: Mir. ISBN 978-1-13-967137-7.
Books originally published in Cyrillic are presented as follows:
Such a source is cited in the main text as (Kant 1992).
When there is an anonymous author, it is mentioned as:
ANONYMOUS, 2021. Kritika na porochnata praktika. Plovdiv: PAN [in Bulgarian]. ISBN 978-7-13-366333-3.
Edited Books
As shown in the example below, only the title of the cited book / collection is given in italics. The quoted pages are indicated after the city / publisher’s name.
CARMAN, T., 2005. On the Inescapability of Phenomenology. In: D.W. SMITH & A. L. THOMASSON (Eds.). Phenomenology and Philosophy of Mind, pp. 67 – 89. Oxford: Clarendon Press. ISBN 978-0-19-966135-0. Available from: EBSCOhost. [paywall].
ДОНЕВ, Г., 2004. Феноменологична десубстанциализация на мисленето. В: КАНАВРОВ, В. & ДОНЕВ, Г. (ред). Кант и диалогът на традициите, с. 51 – 60. Благоевград: Неофит Рилски. ISBN 978-0-19-966175-2.
Documents with manuscript status can be listed in theReferences) section. For example, a dissertation is described as follows:
DODOV, Ivan. Automation of station setup processes in repair. Dissertation. Kardam: Virtual Institute, 2016.
"Notes" Rubric
В рубриката „Бележки“ (Notes) може да се посочват документи от архиви, закони, интернет източници, артефакти от музейни колекции, както следва:
1.КОМИТЕТ ЗА ЗДРАВЕ И ДЪЛГОЛЕТИЕ. 1949-4-21/1949-4-23. Програма на среща на Комитет за здраве и дълголетие. In: Documents of David Chakov. Private Fund of Chakov Family. F. 13337К, inv. 2, a.u. 33, l. 21-22. At: State Archive - Varna [SA - Varna].
For all other cases not described in the guidelines, authors are required to consult the ISO 690-2021 and follow its instructions in citations.
You can follow the layout of the articles and article reviews in Bulgarian and in English in the samples given below:
Sample of an article BG – PDF / BG – Word EN – PDF / EN – Word
Образец на рецензия на книга BG – PDF / BG – Word EN – PDF / EN – Word
(12) Before publishing the authors will have the opportunity to check the proof of their paper. The proof should be corrected and returned to the Editor within a week. Major alterations to the text cannot be accepted.
(13) The article publication is announced to the authors with an email containing a .pdf file of the article. The copyrights of the published article are property of this journal. The final .pdf file sent to the author should not be freely distributed; the latter includes academic and social networking sites (e.g. and
(14) The authors reserve their right to share the manuscript in such academic and social networking sites in the form it was originally submitted to the journal. After publication, the author should additionally state in a note the volume and journal issue.
Final words
(15) By sending their text and/or illustrations to the journal the author agrees to give all rights for future announcements, publications and distribution to Az-buki Publishing House.
The author agrees to give Az-buki Publishing House the exclusive rights to use any text and/or illustration published in the journal for the duration of three years, regardless of the territory on which the publisher has the right to use the text in accordance with Bulgarian Copyrights law.
(16) The acceptance of the submitted manuscripts for publication depends strongly on the reviewers’ recommendations. The publishing of the paper does not mean that the editors are in agreement with the points of view advocated by the authors. The editors reserve the right to edit manuscripts when necessary.
(17) There are no charges to individuals or institutions for publication in this journal. The published articles are:
– available in full text for subscribers of the journal;
– available as metadata (title, abstract, keywords, author’s business card) – for all readers.
(18) If the author (or the institution he represents) wishes to enable the article in full text for all readers, the journal can provide such an opportunity through its online page – after being paid a royalty fee, reflecting the expenses made for article processing.